Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate

Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate 1221159 Wersja 1.2.

The following fixes have been made for the 1.2 patch:

When a vehicle is moving, pressing the Esc key will now stop the vehicle.

The "Show Path" function will now accurately display the action points needed for a vehicle to reach the destination point.

Action points will now be correctly calculated when using the main turret of a Predator.

Vehicles are no longer able to fire at enemies which are out of range.

The Quickening psyker power description has been corrected to read that it adds 25 AP's to the unit's total.

When the Librarian psyker power "The Gate" is cast, and a unit enters the Gate the screen will now center on the unit as it exits the other Gate.

Clearing a jammed weapon (in the inventory screen) will immediately subtract action points and the Clear Jammed Weapon button will revert back.

Turning the scanner on, while the mini map is up will no longer turn off the mini map.

Units on fire will now only show up on the map if the map is set to the appropriate level.

Pink Horrors that are sucked into a Vortex will no longer produce Blue Horrors.

Killing enemies with a Vortex will now generate experience for the caster / grenade thrower.

Units can no longer be forced into negative action points by highlighting an action button in the Inventory screen (for example: the Reload button), moving a unit with the inventory screen still up, and then performing the action after the unit has moved and expended all action points.

Button hot spots in the Inventory will now work properly in the 640x480 resolution setting.

Longer names can now be entered into the save name slots.

Overly long names will no longer overwrite the Save / Load box.

When the animation speed is set all the way down, hitting the Ballistic Weapon icon immediately following hitting the Throw Grenade button will no longer cause that unit to throw his weapon.

Damage descriptions for vehicles will now give accurate descriptions of how the damage affects game play.

A unit that has one kind of cursor active (for example: the Throw Grenade cursor), and you switch to another unit, the cursor changes to the Walk cursor.

The Enter key is now the hotkey for the skull (exit) button on the turn transition screen, inventory screen, etc.

Zooming out, scrolling the map all the way to one side and zooming back in will no longer black out the map.

The hot text for units in the squad selection screen now includes the unit's rank.

The proper Action Points are now displayed when changing a unit from Walk to Run or from Run to Walk after a destination has already been selected.

Multi - Player Fixes

Victory and Defeat screens now have the proper artwork.

The Chaos Lord now has a picture of a Plasma Pistol in the inventory box.

There is now a text warning alerting the user that the Landspeeder has been destroyed.

In the Outfitting screen, when one kind of ammo is depleted, the weapons that use that ammo are no longer available.

There is now an audible cue to let players know that the turn has been passed.

Audio glitches associated with ending turn and opening doors have been fixed.

Fixes made in version 1.1

Fixes addressed on this patch:

1) The hot key for reloading ammo (9) now functions.

2) In v1.0, if you had your video resolution set to 1024x768, and had the view set to 50% or 25%, and opened the mini map to the x2 size, whenever a unit fired a shot it brought up an error box. This is fixed.

3) In the Outfitting screen, clicking on the ammo loaded in the current unit's ballistic weapon, now puts that ammo back in the inventory.

4) Clicking multiple times on a unit's inventory button, while that unit is being shot at with a flamer will no longer crash the game.

5) Map #8 can now be played as a single mission. Previously, it could not be completed as a single mission because you needed to rescue the kidnapped unit to win, and the unit did not exist in the single mission.

6) Playing the targets of opportunity associated with mission #9 will no longer give a victory on the first turn.

Multi Player fixes:

1) After typing a message, hitting the Enter key will now send the message without making the selected unit fire its weapon

2) If all your units are on fire (and therefore broken), ending your turn will no longer cause the game to crash.

3) The host of a multi play game may now change to a custom map after other users have joined, without crashing the game.

4) Changing from a custom map to a campaign map will no longer lock the joining players out of the game.

5) Changing the view to 25% or 50%, with the monitor set to 800x600 and 24 bit color, will no longer prematurely end the game.


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